Covert Security Operations

Do you feel there is a particular customer who does curious things routinely in or around your store? Do you have cash missing from your registers? Are you missing stock that has been accounted for? If any of these are a ‘YES’ you certainly should give one of team a call ASAP! 1300 211 229.

With just under 110,000 offenses reported, 46,500 of those reports are Theft, Assault, Unlawful Entry & Drug Offenses. Our covert security officers attend your business and/or site, posing as a member of the public and holding a comfortable visual distance continuously keeping tabs on the suspect. Once there has been a breach/offense made by the suspect our officer will make themselves known to the suspect, showing their security license while saying ‘I am Covert Security Officer (Name of officer), I have made myself known to you because you have committed (breach or offense committed) and due to this my next step is to (ask you to leave and escort off site or call authorities immediately).

Our officers can blend into multiple different environments whether retail, construction, offices, our team on the ground know how to blend in with their appropriate audience.


Mobile Patrols


Security Consultation